Tohu Wa Bohu Meditation | Secret of the golden flower

Tohu Wa Bohu (Secret of the Golden Flower) Meditation – 90 Day Guide

Tohu Wa Bohu (Secret of the Golden Flower) – The formless void of nothingness is the genesis of the matrix. An ancient echo from a seeker in the night “How can a man be born a second time one asks”. Elijah’s ascent up the dark mountain is this journey. The crucible from death to life. The re-entering of the primordial womb of creation. Out of chaotic darkness shines bright the face of Christ. An initiation to be repeated, and never the same. The most important initiation that is in every mystic’s destiny.

The Secret of the Golden Flower mentions that practitioners might experience an emancipation from the “body of death” which draws significant parallels to Romans 7:24. It is also mentioned that after 90-days of this practice mystics emerge as the “shining ones” reversing the light within self.

Jesus states that the kingdom of God is within us and that our eye must be full of light in order that the flesh be enlightened. This orthopraxy facilitates the submission of the ego self by the separation of soul & spirit. Polarity is reconciled into oneness and the mystic emerges mature and alchemised in their call.

It’s recommended to follow the meditations sequentially. The whole Tohu Wa-Bohu meditation is designed to spread along 90 days. Include 30 Lessons, each Lesson to be practiced for 3 days.

You can download the Digital Version of the Luminous Tablets (6 Base Elements only) free of charge HERE

Watch Lessons 1 to 8 (Day 1 to 24) Free Right Here


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Tohu Wa Bohu (Secret of the Golden Flower) - The formless void of nothingness is the genesis of the matrix. An ancient echo from a seeker in the night “How can a man be born a second time one asks”. Elijah’s ascent up the dark mountain is this journey. The crucible from death to life. The re-entering of the primordial womb of creation. Out of chaotic darkness shines bright the face of Christ. An initiation to be repeated, and never the same. The most important initiation that is in every mystic’s destiny.

The Tohu Wa-Bohu has been conceptualized by studying the desert fathers Hesychasm’s. It was known by Diadochos of Photiki, Gregory Palamas & St. John of Sinai as a ‘Ladder of Divine’ accent that goes beyond concepts, language & images into stillness and dispassion.

The desert fathers teach the realization of the energy of God as “light” and breathing the Divine names as praying without ceasing.

The Secret of the Golden Flower (An Encrypted Nestorian Christian Meditation) mentions that practitioners might experience an emancipation from the “body of death” which draws significant parallels to Romans 7:24. It is also mentioned that after 90-days of this practice mystics emerge as the “shining ones” reversing the light within self

Jesus states that the kingdom of God is within us and that our eye must be full of light in order that the flesh be enlightened. This orthopraxy facilitates the submission of the ego self by the separation of soul & spirit. Polarity is reconciled into oneness and the mystic emerges mature and alchemised in their call.

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